Hindi to English Translation
Example : "अनुवाद एक भाषा से दूसरी भाषा में शब्दों के अनुवाद की प्रक्रिया है।"
English Translation : "Translation is the process of translating words from one language into another."
Type your text in Hindi and translate it into English. This is free service to break the language barrier and a Social Service to the non Hindi people who know only English. Hindi is very rich language. Now people can read the text in their own English language. Just copy the text of Hindi and translate in English. This translation is done with the software algorithm. Although the translation is not 100% correct but it can help you to understand the text in your language.
The machine translation is evolving day by day, one can expect to get 100% accuracy in Translation software by the next decade. We recommend to read the translated text and make required changed in it. Hindi has vast verity of content e.g. Poems, Articles, Story, Spiritual Literature.